Five years ago today.
"I have a secret. It appears it's a secret I can't even write about, really. I guess I figure that if I write it, it'll actually be true. And it can't be. I know this sounds like it doesn't make sense, or it wouldn't to the average person, but then again, the average person shouldn't be reading my diary.
I don't know what to do, I really don't. I've had this secret for quite some time, I've just never truly acknowledged it. I don't know why I am now. I don't know if I'll ever write about it again. Geez, it sounds like I'm pregnant or something. Thank goodness, no. But still, I don't want this secret either."
Then the Thesbian Princess said something in German (she was studying German at the time), bid her diary gute nacht, and did not, in fact, write about "it" for another five months.
A very sad and confused 18-year-old Thesbian Princess would've been thankful. Because a lot of the is tremendously better.